Andy Boone

BLOG: Abstract Thoughts & Odd Images

Musings on living in rural central Japan, my photographic work, and photography in general.

Recent Posts

A Different Feather
Crow . . . Pheasant . . . There is a double meaning to the title here. Not only are the birds in these two photos of a different species, the...
Hanging Out Again
Drying Fish…    As mentioned in a previous post about hoshigaki persimmons “hung out to dry,” here is photograph of a...
Instrumental Virtuoso
David Lindley and Hani Naser in Nagoya, early ’90s  The recent passing of multi-talented musician David Lindley prompted me to search back...
Editorial Outtake
Ceremonial movement…    I currently have a dozen photos in two articles in a magazine by a small boutique publisher that I...
Hung Out to Dry
Hoshigaki in Magome-juku…    This was taken back in November in the old Nakasendo post town of Magome, Gifu Prefecture...
Neighborhood Evening
Local shrine in the evening…    This ethereal scene may evoke thoughts of tradition, culture, history, but it can also be a...
Sibling Rivalry
My other daughter as model…    The title is a joke. My two daughters are actually quite close and there is little rivalry...
Local Magazine Cover
My daughter as model…    Before the internet took over as the source of much of the information we now receive, magazines...
Hello Again
Cormorant over the Nagara, March 20, 2020    I moved to a rural part of Mino City, Gifu Prefecture in the summer of 2018, after...

BLOG: Abstract Thoughts & Odd Images

Here, I share some of my experiences and observations living in rural Japan, and show some of my work as a photographer, as well as opine on photography in general.

About Me.

I am an American photographer who has lived in central Japan since 1982.

Recent Posts

Hung Out to Dry